Sign up to Wish 200 Week

Thanks for showing an interest in Wish 200 Week and wanting to game for Make-A-Wish UK! 

Fill in your details below and one of our team will be in touch to hear all about your plans and will be able to provide anything you might need to help make your fundraising a success!

Once you submit your form you’ll be able to create your online page and start collecting donations from family and friends!

Together we can grant life-changing wishes to critically ill children across the UK. 

About your fundraising

Your age
Contact details

Join the wish community
If you’d like to hear more about the impact wishes have on children and their families, or how you can help support our life-changing work through fundraising, volunteering and other campaigns, please select your communication preference(s) below.
Your motivation

By continuing with this registration process, you're agreeing to the Make-A-Wish UK terms and conditions and privacy policy. These documents explain where and how we'll use your data. Just ask if you have any questions.